The content in this post is only based on my personal views on enterprise governance with latest industry trends. In the latter part I will further discuss a single platform from which you can accomplish all these benefits.
2. Ensure your enterprise assets behaves exactly as you expects them to be. Helps identify hot spots of your enterprise assets. When things are not going in your way, proper governance layer helps you to take most accurate instant decisions. (helps you easily locate what are the red spots and which assets best performing, which are not, which assets consume more resource and which are in need more resources and etc.)
3. Change Management. When every single asset of your enterprise is under your control with couple of clicks away, rapid changes for your enterprise will no more be a nightmare. Governance can facilitate fast, effective decision making across both business and IT sectors.
4. Best way to govern non electronic physical assets. Governance isn't something exclusive to IT, it’s applied throughout the industry. You can create a virtual representation of any enterprise asset and govern them in a meaningful way.
5. Ability to govern enterprise assets with human interactions involved. No need of an entire automated system but if required, can have some break points to involve people to interact and make decisions and continue further.
6. Decide the lifecycle of each enterprise asset or a group of enterprise assets. Ability to define and develop an entire lifecycle of an enterprise asset and apply policies in design time as well as in runtime.
7. Let your legacy software systems also be part governing your assets in a smooth and controllable manner. Provides standard interfaces which lets existing legacy systems also be part of governing your enterprise assets along with the main governance platform layer.
8. Restructure your unstructured assets and start reusing common services and save your time. Helps you identify what are the common business services across your enterprise and facilitate to identify them and reuse them.
9. Impact Analysis. Allows to analyze the impact of an absence of any enterprise asset.
10. Event Driven Governance - Govern your enterprise assets based on business events. Allows your enterprise to take Automated Real Time Decisions based on thousands of business event streams you have. This will allows you to take very sensitive decisions which can make huge impact to your enterprise.
So now you should have a better understanding on how a proper enterprise governance layer can lift you from the rest.
Were you ever able/tried find a single product to achieve all these benefits ?
Award winning WSO2[1] Carbon Platform provides you a comprehensive set of features which facilitates the entire spectrum of current enterprise governance requirements. Yes it is that much extensible and flexible to your needs.
If you know your governance requirements in detail, you will always find a matching WSO2 Carbon feature which accomplish your requirements.
So to accomplish a proper governance platform based on your requirements, mainly you can use following set of well known products/features from WSO2.
WSO2 Governence Registry [2]
WSO2 Business Activity Monitor [3]
WSO2 Complex Event Processing Server [4]
Yes. Coming back to the question. Thanks to WSO2 Carbon, it will do the magic for you.
You can combine all three products and create a one product which will be your governance layer. It is simple as that. Based on the traffic you have, if you want, you can even separate them out in to different VMs/clusters. You can have your governance layer in the form of on premise as well as in the cloud.
Even if you like to use these as separate products it will give out a similar experience and complexity as you have them all in one binary. Because the integration among WSO2 products is quite smooth.
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Were you ever able/tried find a single product to achieve all these benefits ?
If you know your governance requirements in detail, you will always find a matching WSO2 Carbon feature which accomplish your requirements.
So to accomplish a proper governance platform based on your requirements, mainly you can use following set of well known products/features from WSO2.
WSO2 Governence Registry [2]
WSO2 Business Activity Monitor [3]
WSO2 Complex Event Processing Server [4]
Yes. Coming back to the question. Thanks to WSO2 Carbon, it will do the magic for you.
You can combine all three products and create a one product which will be your governance layer. It is simple as that. Based on the traffic you have, if you want, you can even separate them out in to different VMs/clusters. You can have your governance layer in the form of on premise as well as in the cloud.
Even if you like to use these as separate products it will give out a similar experience and complexity as you have them all in one binary. Because the integration among WSO2 products is quite smooth.
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