- Download and install WSO2 ESB 4.5.1(it is required to use the ESB version as >= 4.5.1)
- Download and install WSO2 BAM 2.0.1
What we're going to do:
Figure out way to send/publish WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) mediation data to WSO2 Business Activity Monitor (BAM). In this particular case we will consider capturing mediation data of the WSO2 ESB and publish them to BAM.
How to:
1. Through WSO2 ESB, we create a WSO2 BAM server profile(you can create multiple profiles), and there we define WSO2 BAM server related all required details including stream definitions and etc.
2.1 We use a pre built WSO2 ESB mediator which is specifically designed to publish data to BAM. It stores the mediation data in to WSO2 BAM default secondary storage(Cassandra database). Inside the aforementioned pre defined bam-mediator, we point to the corresponding server profile.
2.2. Once step 1 is done, add this mediator to an in-sequence of a ESB proxy service called FooProxy.
3. When invoking the above created proxy service, the bam mediator will store the mediation data on WSO2 BAM Cassandra database.
Steps in detail :
Step -1. To create a WSO2 BAM server profile in WSO2 ESB, we need to install BAM Mediator Aggregate feature in WSO2 ESB.
To do so,
- Start WSO2 ESB server with port off set as 1 and log in as admin, and go to Home > Configure > Features > Feature Management. There under the Repository Management tab, click on Add Repository.
- Provide the corresponding p2 repository and save the repository. In this case the corresponding repository url is
- Once done, move to Available Features tab and find and install the feature called "BAM Mediator Aggregate".
Now you can go to Home > Configure > BAM Server Profile in WSO2 ESB management console and Add Profile. Once done as follows update and save the configuration.
- Profile Name: Name for BAM server profile. (i.e profile1)
- Server Credential: admin,admin
- Server Transport: Thrift as the default Protocol.
- Enable Security: If message confidentiality is required from ESB server to BAM server, select this option.
- IP Address: IP of the BAM server's Thrift server. i.e localhost
- Receiver Port: If security is not enabled, this option will have to be given. Enter 7611 by default, which is the Thrift server port.
- Authentication Port: Port number is 100 times greater than the Receiver Port, if the latter exists. Default Authentication Port number is 7711.
Name - stream_1
Version - 1.0.0
Nick Name - my stream
Description - test stream definition
Now click on edit stream on the created stream. You will see some fields that you are asked to fill Stream payload and stream properties.
When editing a stream, check on "Dump header" or "Dump body," to record SOAP header or SOAP body of messages respectively. Using "Stream Properties" user can extract several types of properties from the incoming message.
- Value: A constant alpha-numeric string value entered to Value field is set as the property.
- Expression: Is considered as an expression and executed on the message to get the property. XPath properties and functions available in ESB are valid in the expression.
Now we are done with the BAM server profile configuration.
Step-2 : We need to simple create a proxy service that has the BAM mediator as follows. And refer the created server profile in it. If you do not like XML, you can create the BAM mediator from the UI as well. For that please refer [1].
In this particular case I am creating the a WSDL proxy service from the SimpleStockQuoteService sample in WSO2 ESB. (If you are not familiar with WSO2 ESB proxy services refer WSO2 ESB wiki docs[2] for more information.)
To host the SimpleStockQuoteService,
- Go to $ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService and run ant.
- Move to $ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Server and run ./ Now this will start the axis2 service with the SimpleStockQuoteService. You can find the wsdl url at
Final proxy service created out from the above WSDL.
Now we are all done and good to test.
- Start the WSO2 BAM server.
- Invoke the proxy service through sample axis2 client. Go to $ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Client
- Start the WSO2 BAM server.
- Invoke the proxy service through sample axis2 client. Go to $ESB_HOME/samples/axis2Client
and run the following command . i.e https://localhost:8244/services/Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy is the created proxy service endpoint url. You can pass any String for symbol.
ant stockquote -Daddurl=https://localhost:8244/services/Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy -Dmode=fullquote -Dsymbol=testString
ant stockquote -Daddurl=https://localhost:8244/services/Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy -Dmode=fullquote -Dsymbol=testString
Once done the data will be stored in Cassandra database from our BAM mediator. Now BAM mediator in the proxy service, Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy should have dumped data extracted from the ESB to the key-space, EVENT_KS in the Cassandra database, with column family name same as the Stream Name. Data in the Cassandra database can be seen from the Cassandra Explorer in the BAM server.
[2] -